Thursday, 29 February 2024

Murphy's Law

 Murphy's Law is a well-known adage that states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." It is often phrased with the addition of "and at the worst possible time."

For example , if you are waiting for a phone call for long, it may come when you are taking bath.

It is a good example of how the principle is often applied humorously to everyday situations. While not the original or universally accepted definition, it certainly captures the essence of Murphy's Law: the idea that things tend to go wrong, often at inconvenient times.

The phone call ringing while you're in the bath - is a common trope in various forms of media like sitcoms and movies. It plays on the expectation of something inconvenient happening at an inopportune moment, which resonates with the general understanding of Murphy's Law.

It's important to remember that Murphy's Law is not a scientific principle and should not be taken literally. It's a humorous proverb that reflects a pessimistic outlook on the world, not a guaranteed outcome of any situation.

वहां कौन है तेरा : एक विवेचना !

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